Our next meeting is on Thursday, January 16th, 7:00 pm, at First Lutheran Church!
Come early to visit and share with your fellow photographers. Charlie Kreitler will be presenting a new way of seeing things via a little-known feature of Photo Shop. Charlie’s topic is Playing with Photoshop’s “Polar Coordinates”.
- 6:30 Set up and social time.
- 7:00 Welcome and Member News
- 7:10 Quote of the Month
- 7:15 Announcements
- 7:30 Program: Playing with Photoshop’s “Polar Coordinates” with Charlie Kreitler
- 8:15 – Member Share Photos
Program: Playing with Photoshop’s “Polar Coordinates” with Charlie Kreitler
Photoshop Coordinates is a hidden element in Photoshop. It changes the coordinates of your digital images from either 1) rectangular to polar or 2) polar to rectangular or 3) a hybrid of 1)and 2). Simpler said, it converts your photo as a rectangle to a circle, or conversely from a circle to a rectangle. And in doing so, you may end up with a strange new image, unlike your original. Maybe you too can be converted.
Charlie started snapping pictures 50 years ago. He spent his professional life as a geologist and always carried a camera to document his work. When he retired, he had time to take photography more seriously and play with the artistic side. His talk explores the use of Photoshop’s Polar Coordinates to create an alternative look at processing pictures.

Member Photo Share Theme: My Favorites
“Here’s your chance to present your favorite photos from last year” – Bill Galloway
You are encouraged to send 2 images for this part of the meeting, on this topic … or another if you prefer. Please rename your images 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_LastName.jpg and send to photos@jerrysargent.com no later than January 14th to make sure they are included. This is mostly a Show and Tell time, but if you are looking for a critique or help with an image, you are welcome to ask for that sort of feedback.
Annual dues are a bargain at $12 per year. If you haven’t renewed, you may pay at the meeting, or use our PayPal by using this link, or you can mail your check to Winifred Simon at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676. (Only paid members may post on our HCPC Members Facebook page. If you are a paid member and cannot access the account, ask Charlie Kreitler, our admin, to allow you access.
Social Media
We have two Facebook Pages — Public and Members Only.
If you have any news or stories you’d like to have included in the newsletter, please send them to hcphotoclub@gmail.com.