Our next meeting is on Thursday, February 20th, 7:00 pm, at First Lutheran Church!
Come early to visit and share with your fellow photographers.
- 6:30 Set up and social time.
- 7:00 Welcome and Member News
- 7:10 Quote of the Month
- 7:15 Announcements
- 7:30 Program: Before and After
- 8:15 – Member Share Photos
Program: Before and After with meeting participants
Photography has two steps, capturing an image and editing it. As we say, “Maybe I can clean that up in post (processing).” We crop, dodge and burn, and add or remove material as we want. Sliders, layers, and masks have become our editing tools of choice in the digital age.
Meeting participants are asked to submit two images which represent before and after in your editing. Be prepared to explain what you did in the process and why you took these steps to arrive at your final image. This is an opportunity to share your editing style and learn from others.
Please submit the images to Jerry Sargent (photos@jerrysargent.com) using this format: Your_Name_1.jpg, Your_Name_2.jpg.
Member Photo Share Theme: Sunrise / Sunset
“Winter brings short days that make it easier to experience both sunrise and sunset. Select two favorite images, regardless of the season, that capture the colors, shadows, activities, or subtle shades of light that define the transitions between light and dark. Remember, astronomical, nautical, and civil twilights are all a part of sunset and sunrise.” – Bill Galloway
You are encouraged to send 2 images for this part of the meeting, on this topic … or another if you prefer. Please rename your images 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_LastName.jpg and send to photos@jerrysargent.com no later than February 18th to make sure they are included. This is mostly a Show and Tell time, but if you are looking for a critique or help with an image, you are welcome to ask for that sort of feedback.
Annual dues are a bargain at $12 per year. If you haven’t renewed, you may pay at the meeting, or use our PayPal by using this link, or you can mail your check to Winifred Simon at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676. (Only paid members may post on our HCPC Members Facebook page. If you are a paid member and cannot access the account, ask Charlie Kreitler, our admin, to allow you access.
Social Media
We have two Facebook Pages — Public and Members Only.
If you have any news or stories you’d like to have included in the newsletter, please send them to hcphotoclub@gmail.com.