February 2022
We hope you stayed warm and survived the ice storm!
Next meeting will be Thursday, February 17th, 7 pm, at First Lutheran Church of San Marcos, 130 West Holland Street in San Marcos. (Masks are required at the church.)
On the agenda:
- Welcome
- Member
- News Share and Discussion
- Program
- Photo Share
PROGRAM: Mountain Wildflowers of Oregon, presented by Alice Le Duc
Photo Share: You may send up to two images to share with the group. (You can send in any photos you’d like. It doesn’t have to be the monthly theme.) Tom Delaney has given us the following photo themes.
February: I’ve been waking up to a lot of fog recently, so this month the theme is fog, smoke, steam, cloudy. Can be actual fog, or steam from a hot water tap, or a thermal pool, or anything that obscures but not blocks out the scene.
March: Curves and snaky lines are often used in photos, so let’s see what we can do with the opposite. The theme is angular, crooked, jagged, zigzag. Most often you’d find these lines in architecture, but also maybe a tree branch, or pavement, or a path.
For the Photo Share, send one or two images to photos@jerrysargent.com by the end of Monday, February 14th, and put February Critique – Fog, Smoke, Steam, Cloudy in the Subject line.
To prepare your images, we no longer have to resize our photos! Save them with the color space sRGB, and name them 1FirstName_LastName and 2FirstName_LastName. For example, 1Linda_Avitt.
CALLS FOR ENTRY: Our Photo Opportunities Coordinator, Wes Odell, has put together an impressive list of upcoming shows.
PALACE THEATER, Georgetown on the Courthouse Square
HOPEFULLY MARCH and APRIL (We don’t yet have confirmation that this exhibit will happen, but Wes is diligently trying to get a commitment. If this exhibit does NOT happen, we can use the submissions for a future show.)
Hill Country Photo Club Members Only
THEME: Open theme, but with an emphasis on Nature
PLEASE SEND ONE OR TWO jpg THUMBNAILS TO WES ODELL “JUST IN CASE” THIS EXHIBIT HAPPENS. odellphoto11@gmail.com (Include Title, Price, Contact Information).
DeWitt County Shutterbugs Annual Open Contest, (Cuero, Texas)
$5 per entry, no limit on entries
Ten Categories
Entries being Accepted Feb 16 through March 23
ONLY 11 x 14 mounts with prints of various sizes, and with some unique requirements on presentations.
Entry rules attached to this email
“Electric Easel” Round Rock Arts at the Downtowner
Entry Deadline: August 10 (Call for Entry not yet out)
Exhibit 9/14 – 11/11
(Art forms created with digital tools, technology, or innovative non-traditional art materials.)
Georgetown Public Library for next year (2023)
Individuals and Groups
Call: Open March 1 – May 15
Library.georgetown/art (then look under: “Exhibiting your work in the library”
Some question about HCPC having a tent and promoting HCPC membership.
Hill Country Spring Photo Show, San Marcos Art League
Open to members of Hill Country Photo Club
$10 entry fee
Open theme
Exhibit will be during the month of May
Entries accepted February 20th through March 13th
This will be very similar to the photo show with the Art League last November. Everyone who participated really enjoyed spending time at the Art Center and meeting all the “artsy” people. Again, participants will all be expected to work as a docent at the Art Center, but the hours will be reduced.
Field TripsArt Squared Market, on the square in San Marcos, Saturday, March 12th. Here’s a chance to test your street skills! This will be a fun and informal field trip/photo contest with the San Marcos Art League. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Art Squared Market, members of our club are invited to mingle and take photos at the market. Then you can submit two of your best photos, and the Art League will choose the photo(s) that best capture the flavor of the market. This will be very informal, and all entries will be used by the Art League for advertising, Facebook, etc. The payoff will be recognition for your work. Exact details for submitting photos TBA.
For more info contact hcphotoclub@gmail.com
Llano Earth Art Fest, Grenwelge Park, Llano, March 11-13. This isn’t an official Field Trip, but we talked about this at a meeting. The Galloways showed some pictures taken there, and it looks really amazing. Llano Rock Stacking Festival
Pioneer Flight Museum, in Kingsbury, Saturday, March 26th. David Olson has put together a joint field trip with the Kissing Tree Photo Club at the Pioneer Flight Museum, located at 190 Pershing Lane, Kingsbury, Texas. This will be on a Saturday, when volunteers will be there working on cars and planes. We’ll be allowed to take pictures all around the place and of people working on the old planes and cars. Most of the volunteers arrive around 9:00 am and will take a lunch in Luling. The Kissing Tree group will arrive about 10:30.
You also might be interested to note that the Museum has fly-ins scheduled for May and November.
For more info contact David Olson at photos@mtnolson.com
Hill Country Photo Club Table, Art Squared Market, San Marcos, Saturday, April 9th. Come spend an hour or two (or three!) at our table at Art Squared. We’ll be advertising our club and our May exhibit with the SM Art League. These kinds of events can actually be a lot of fun!
For more info contact hcphotoclub@gmail.com
We have two Facebook Pages — Public and Members Only. Since we don’t currently meet in person, the Members Only page is the best way for our club to stay in touch, interact, and share photos, It’s an active page, and you can post your photos and ask for advice, feedback, or a critique. (If you’re a new member, you’ll need to request access to the group.)
If you have any news or stories you’d like to have included in the newsletter, please send them to hcphotoclub@gmail.com.
Membership Dues
Annual membership dues are $12.00. Dues for new members are reduced to $6.00 after July 1st each year.
You may pay by check at the next meeting, pay with Paypal here, or mail to our treasurer, Winifred Simon, at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676, or pay using PayPal.
Paid membership is required for participation in exhibitions, fieldtrips and most workshops, as well as listings in Member News and Member Links on hcphotoclub.org. If you are on our email list, you will continue to receive our emails and be welcome at meetings whether or not you have paid dues.
If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Charlie Kreitler is the administrator of this page – thank you Charlie!
You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at webmaster@hcphotoclub.org.