January 2020
Our next meeting is Thursday, January 16th at 7:00 pm.
Our program this month is a combination of Member Share and Before & After.
We hope to see you there!
- 7:00 – 7:10
- Welcome and Introduction of New Members and Guests
- 7:10 – 7:25
- Member Share (if you have news to share and want to show an image with it, please submit by Tuesday before the meeting. Put SHARE in the subject heading, please.
- Calls for Entry
- Discuss ideas, suggestions, and goals for our club. Please fill out the member survey which was emailed and bring it to the meeting or send it back through email. We’ll tabulate the responses and present them at the February meeting.
- 7:25 – 9:00
- Program – Member Share and Before & After – Meeting Attendees
Member Share and Before & After
- Member Share: tips and hints.
The member share is always fun, and you’re sure to learn something new. Do you have camera gear, lighting equipment, computer program, website, or a framing or printing trick that has made your photography life better? We all want to know!
Bring that piece of equipment for show-and-tell or bring in a USB stick with screen captures. You can also show us on your own laptop, but please let us know via the club gmail account in advance.
- Before and After
We all have experiences to share about how we process/develop our images. This is your opportunity to share that experience! You can send 2 sets of “before-and-afters.”
Send the “before” and “after” version of your image and explain specifically what you did to process it. What did you try? What didn’t work? What did work? You are also invited to ask for a critique of your images.
Send your 2 sets of files for up to 2 images to hcphotoclub@gmail.com by Tuesday, January 14th, at 6 pm, and put January Before and After in the Subject line.
To prepare your images, resize the long side to 2000 pixels, resolution of 72 ppi, and rename them 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_LastName.jpg.
- You can talk us through your editing steps.
- Or send a pdf or slideshow/powerpoint of screen shots showing us specifically what you did and how it did or didn’t work on up to 2 images. Bring the file on a memory stick or USB drive. Or send your pdf to hcphotoclub@gmail.com by Tuesday, January 14th, at 6 pm, and put August Before and After in the Subject line.
Please let us know via the club gmail account if you plan to bring files to share. or - Or demo what you do on up to 2 images using your processing software. The demo should take no more than 5 minutes for each image. You will need to bring your own computer and software.
Please let us know via the club gmail account if you plan to bring files to share.
Membership Dues
Annual membership dues are $12.00. Dues for new members are reduced to $6.00 after July 1 each year.
You may pay by check at the next meeting, pay with Paypal here, or mail to our treasurer, Winifred Simon, at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676, or pay using PayPal.
Paid membership is required for participation in exhibitions, fieldtrips and most workshops, as well as listings in Member News and Member Links on hcphotoclub.org. If you are on our email list, you will continue to receive our emails and be welcome at meetings whether or not you have paid dues.
If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Carolyn Whiteside is the administrator of this page – thank you Carolyn!
You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at webmaster@hcphotoclub.org.