June 2018
68 Degrees: Barton Springs
Please join us this month for a summertime-themed program. Austin photographer and educator Anthony Maddaloni will share portraits from his 68 Degrees: Barton Springs series.
Naturescapes Update:
The deadline for entering this year’s Naturescapes Photography Contest is approaching soon. Midnight June 25 is the deadline. Entries are coming in. Don’t wait until the last minute to get your entries submitted. Details for entering can be found on this link.
7:00 – 7:25 Welcome, Introductions, and Member News
7:30 – 8:15 Program: 68 Degress: Barton Springs – Anthony Maddaloni
8:20 – 9:00 Critiques: Summer
Program: 68 Degrees: Barton Springs with Anthony Maddaloni
Anthony Maddaloni has been teaching photography classes in Austin for almost 20 years, including at the University of Texas and at Austin Contemporary. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from State University of New York (SUNY) at Purchase, NY in 1996. He was a staff photographer for both the Texas Senate and House of Representatives during various legislative sessions from 2001-2006. He was also a staff photographer at UT’s Harry Ransom Center from 2006-2011.
His work is in private collections and he has had showings of his work in and around Austin since 2001. His photographs have been published in the New York Times as well as the Austin American Statesman and Shots Magazine.

Both a teacher and a working photographer, he teaches workshops in alternative process, portfolio building, digital photography, and black and white darkroom lessons.
His current projects include photographing the people at Barton Springs and also a City of Austin grant funded project titled Govalle Park, where he is photographing the baseball players.
Critiques: Summer
Please resize 2 images to 2,000 pixels on the long side and a resolution of 72. Rename them 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_LastName.jpg.
Remember, when showing your images, you may ask for a critique or suggestions for improvement from members, or simply “show and tell” your image.
Please email them to hcphotoclub@gmail.com by Tuesday, June 19th. Please put “June Critiques” in the subject line.
Dues for 2018 are $12.
New members joining after the first of the year will pay a prorated amount. You may pay by check at the next meeting or mail to our treasurer, Winifred Simon, at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676, or pay using PayPal.
- If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Carolyn Whiteside is the administrator of this page – thank you Carolyn!
- You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at webmaster@hcphotoclub.org.