May 2016 Program
The Modern Darkroom
We hope you join us at our next photo club meeting on Thursday, May 19th, 7:00 pm at Brookdale San Marcos North (formerly Horizon Bay). Come a little early if you want to visit with your friends, and find your name tag.
If you are a Photoshop user, or want to learn more about how to use Photoshop, you don’t want to miss this meeting. Mark Heaps will share some useful techniques in Photoshop. He will address the areas of interest you shared in response to the recent email enlisting your help in directing this program. Mark is highly qualified as an Adobe Community Professional certified in Photoshop.
Mark snapped his first picture at the age of four. His grandmother provided him with a camera and film so he could explore the world around him. As he got older he picked up a guitar, a skateboard, and a can of spray paint and skated his way into the world of art and design.
Today he’s an Adobe Community Professional certified in Photoshop. He’s the former Executive Director for Houndstooth Studio and has held lead positions with Duarte, Google, and more. Mark’s images, and design solutions, have been utilized by such brands as Apple, Nokia, Google, and more. He’s recently been helping National Geographic photographer Merlin Tuttle with his images of bats and also maintains a studio in South East Austin where he supports the growing community of photographers in central Texas. He is an author, instructor, teacher, and most importantly husband and father.
Critiques: Topic: Street Photography
You may send 2 images to share in the Critique portion of the meeting. Please re-size them and name your files as follows, and email to by Tuesday, May 17th.
To prepare your images:
Please re-size your files to 1000 pixels on the long side, and name them 1FirstName_LastName.jpg. You may ask for help with editing your image, or simply “show and tell.”