November 2018
Dick’s Classic Garage
We hope you will be able to join us on Thursday, Nov. 15 for our club meeting.
We will meet at Dick’s Classic Garage at 2:00 PM for a photo shoot. Tripods are ok if you want to bring yours. The museum will close at 5:00. If you are coming after 4:00, please let us know, and someone will wait for you.
This may be your last opportunity to see the remaining cars in Dick Burdick’s extensive car collection before the last ones are sold. The building will close permanently Dec. 31. Your entry fee of $5 will be paid by our club to all current paid members.
Guests are welcome, but will have to pay their own way.
There will be NO evening meeting!
If you are planning on coming, please send an email to the club and put “Car Meeting” in the subject line.
Also, mark your calendar for Saturday, Dec. 15 at NOON. We will have our annual Christmas social with a Potluck, and a Photo Gift Exchange. If you would like to participate in the photo swap, bring a matted (or framed) photo that is no larger than 8×10, (5 x 7 matted to 8 x 10 is ideal) or so… Please bring it wrapped for an anonymous “elephant photo exchange”.
We’ll ask for RSVP’s to the Christmas Social after the November meeting in order to keep things a bit more organized…and tell you where to go!!
Dues for 2018 are $12.
New members joining after the first of the year will pay a prorated amount. You may pay by check at the next meeting or mail to our treasurer, Winifred Simon, at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676, or pay using PayPal.
- Saturday, October 6 is Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk. If you haven’t signed up with a group, you can go online and find a group here:
- Saturday, October 13 – Texas Photo Festival – Smithville, TX To sign up online before going, follow this link:
- If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Carolyn Whiteside is the administrator of this page – thank you Carolyn!
- You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at