June 2023
Please join us Thursday, June 15th, 7:00 pm, at First Lutheran Church for our next meeting. That’s right, the 3rd Thursday is on the 15th!
Here are some other important dates to remember:
June 26 – Last day to enter Naturescapes. Here is the link for everything you need to know about Naturescapes Photo Contest Please consider entering, and share with friends and kids!
July 10 – Last day to enter Member’s Only Companion Show. The theme is…..Companions. You’ll find the details here. Please follow directions carefully. Selected images will have the same requirements for exhibiting as the Naturescapes show.
Program: ATMTX with Andy – Come meet Andy – he has a great backstory of how he began his photographic journey, and writes a daily Blog as well as an online magazine. You can take a sneak peak at his prolific work here. Club member Jim Philpott is excited to introduce you to Andy and his photography.
6:30 – 7:00 Set up for the meeting. Visitation time for early arrivals
7:00 – Welcome and Announcements
7:15 – 8:15 Program: “ATMTX with Andy” with Andy Masuo
8:15 – end Member Photo Share, Theme: Texas Our Texas.
About Andy Masuo
“I was born in New York City in 1964 and lived in big cities until I arrived in Austin in 1991. So given my background, I’m a city person at heart.
I love capturing urban life, especially in the evening. I seek color, the glow of lights, and reflections. I’ve grown into street photography because the city is more than just buildings. I aspire to capture the mundane in an interesting way.
As I travel to more cities worldwide, I continue to capture life on the streets. However, we can sometimes find the exotic in our hometown. Psychology matters most when we interact with people — more than gear and even photography skills.
I prefer smaller cameras to be less visible on the street, making international travel easier. I used Olympus micro 4/3 cameras for years and moved to Fujifilm. I recently purchased a Sony A7C, an unexpectedly compact full-frame camera.“
Visit blog.atmtxphoto.com for daily photos and stories.
Get my free online magazine for the latest.
Member Photo Share: “Texas Our Texas.
Pictures could include anything from Spanish moss in fog at Caddo Lake to the Mule Ears peaks in Big Bend; from the Houston skyline to a cotton field in the Pan Handle; from sand dunes at Padre Island to the courthouse in Throckmorton. So think Texas and search your photos. – Bill Galloway
Please resize and rename your 2 images as follows: 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_Last Name.jpg, and resize to at least 1000 pixels on the long side. NOTE: Send them by email to photos@jerrysargent.com by June 13th to insure they will be shown at the meeting.(Note: As always, if you prefer to submit something other than the theme topic, you may do so.)
Annual dues are a bargain at $12 per year. If you haven’t renewed, you may pay at the meeting, or use our PayPal by using this link, or you can mail your check to Winifred Simon at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676. (Only paid members may post on our HCPC Members Facebook page. If you are a paid member and cannot access the account, ask Charlie Kreitler, our admin, to allow you access.
Social Media
We have two Facebook Pages — Public and Members Only.
If you have any news or stories you’d like to have included in the newsletter, please send them to hcphotoclub@gmail.com.
If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Charlie Kreitler is the administrator of this page – thank you Charlie!
You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at webmaster@hcphotoclub.org.