November 2019
Our next meeting is Thursday, November 21st at 7:00 pm.
Our program this month is presented by our own Rosemary and Bill Galloway, “Winter Photography in Yellowstone National Park“. We hope to see you there!
- 7:00 – 7:10
- Welcome and Introduction of New Members and Guests
- 7:10 – 7:25
- Member Share (if you have news to share and want to show an image with it, please submit by Tuesday before the meeting. Put SHARE in the subject heading, please.
- Calls for Entry
- 2020 Officer Election – see below
- Holiday Gathering
- 7:25 – 8:25
- Program – Winter Photography in Yellowstone National Park – Rosemary and Bill Galloway
- 8:25 – 9:00
- Critiques: Winter
Winter Photography in Yellowstone National Park
About Bill and Rosemary Galloway
Lakeway residents Bill and Rosemary Galloway have taken photographs (beginning with black and white film) for more than 50 years.
Bill was given his father’s Argus C-3 when a teenager. The camera had traveled to Europe in World War II, so it was not only a tangible piece of history, but introduced Bill to the basics of photography: exposure, depth of field, and framing. Bill increasingly turned to color, both for recreation and in his profession as a geologist.
Rosemary became the family portrait artist, a position she retains.
An introduction to the emerging power of digital photography on a winter photo safari to Yellowstone reinvigorated their enthusiasm for their favorite subjects, landscape, wildlife, wildflowers, and travel.
Photography safaris have taken them to the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, New England, the Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone, and the national parks of the Southwest. Closer to home, they have for many years walked the trails of Inks Lake State Park and traveled the byways of the Texas Hill Country, documenting the profusion and diversity of wildflowers, birds, and butterflies that grace the Hill Country. Their photographs have appeared in Texas Co-Op Power and Lakeway Voice magazines, Hill Country Alliance calendars, and online in the National Habitat Adventures Wildlife Photo of the Day series.
Critiques: Winter
To prepare your images, resize the long side to 2000 pixels, resolution of 72 ppi, color space sRGB, and name them 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_LastName.jpg.
You may ask for a critique on your images or simply “Show and Tell.”
Please email them to by Tuesday, November 19th. Please put “November Critiques” in the subject line.
Officer Elections and Committee Memberships
Please consider serving your club as an officer. The term of office is 1 year – January through December.
Many hands make light work!
All paid members may vote in the election of officers. Our officers positions are:
- President: provides overall leadership to the club; presides at meetings; determines the meeting agenda in concert with other officers and coordinators.
- Vice-President: presides in the absence of the President; coordinates meeting programs.
- Secretary: records meeting attendance; maintains permanent records of meetings and club documents, keeps minutes of Executive Committee meetings.
- Treasurer: receives and disburses club funds; maintains itemized records of receipts and expenditures; provides annual financial report to Executive Committee.
- Membership: maintains accurate email distribution list of club membership; may send mailings on behalf of other officers and coordinators.
You will also have an opportunity to sign up for a committee. Please consider helping your coordinators in
- Programs
- Hospitality
- Workshops
- Field Trips
Membership Dues
Annual membership dues are $12.00. Dues for new members are reduced to $6.00 after July 1 each year.
You may pay by check at the next meeting, pay with Paypal here, or mail to our treasurer, Winifred Simon, at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676, or pay using PayPal.
Paid membership is required for participation in exhibitions, fieldtrips and most workshops, as well as listings in Member News and Member Links on If you are on our email list, you will continue to receive our emails and be welcome at meetings whether or not you have paid dues.
- If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Carolyn Whiteside is the administrator of this page – thank you Carolyn!
- You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at