September 2023
Please join us Thursday, September 21st, 7:00 pm, at First Lutheran Church for our next meeting.
Is it really almost FALL? It’s hard to believe it – maybe by the time our meeting comes around we will have slightly cooler weather. How’s that for being optimistic?
6:30 – 7:00 Set up for the meeting. Visitation time for early arrivals
7:00 – Welcome and Member News
7:25 – Program: No Walking, let the birds come to you with Alice Le Duc
8:30 – Member Photo Share, Theme – Theme: Skyscapes
Program: No Walking, let the birds come to you
Longtime club member Dr. Alice Le Duc came to our club knowing more than any of us about plants and horticulture. She has shared that knowledge with us in meetings over the years, as well as hosting field trips to the Texas State Greenhouse. Since coming to San Marcos, Alice developed a passion for birding and bird photography. She has visited many Texas bird hotspots on numerous occasions, and has some great tips to share with you at our next meeting.

Member Photo Share: Theme this month is Skyscapes
“The sky may be the object of the photo (I maintain a folder named “Skyscapes”) but the sky might also be the background element that elevated a photo of another object or scene into your Favorites Collection. Other ideas: astrophotography, night skies, skyscrapers, a brewsky (remember Cheers? And I do know that’s not quite the correct spelling) , or vintage aircraft.” Bill Galloway
Please resize and rename your 2 images as follows: 1FirstName_LastName.jpg, 2FirstName_Last Name.jpg, and resize to 2000 pixels on the long side. NOTE: Send them by email to by September 19th to insure they will be shown at the meeting.(Note: As always, if you prefer to submit something other than the theme topic, you may do so.)
Annual dues are a bargain at $12 per year. If you haven’t renewed, you may pay at the meeting, or use our PayPal by using this link, or you can mail your check to Winifred Simon at 600 Red Hawk Road, Wimberley, TX 78676. (Only paid members may post on our HCPC Members Facebook page. If you are a paid member and cannot access the account, ask Charlie Kreitler, our admin, to allow you access.
Social Media
We have two Facebook Pages — Public and Members Only.
If you have any news or stories you’d like to have included in the newsletter, please send them to
Naturescapes Photography Contest Awards Reception Saturday, September 30th 5:00 – 7:00 We will be honoring Linda Kelsey-Jones about 5:45 for her 26 years of being director and curator of The Walkers Gallery. We hope to have a nice turnout for this, along with recognizing our exhibiting artists and award winners.
If you have a Facebook account, you may join our club’s Closed Group page and keep up with current member news as well as postings of Calls for Entry that you may wish to enter, or share other important or interesting information with our group. Go to HCPC Members. You must be a paid member to post and use this account. It is the easiest and best way to keep current on photo opps and member news. Charlie Kreitler is the administrator of this page – thank you Charlie!
You may also send a write-up of Accomplishments and Awards information that you would like to share on our website by submitting your information in a concise manner, and email to Art Arizpe at