2023 Naturescapes Exhibition
These are the 60 photographs and Award Winners, chosen by the 2023 Naturescapes Photography Contest Juror, Michael Lustbader. You can see the exhibition at the San Marcos Activity Center, Walkers’ Gallery, through October 27th.
We hope you enjoy the beautiful images from Hays and surrounding counties.
Congratulations to all!
Family Portrait
Art Arizpe
Jennifer Bauerkemper
Curious Racoon
Stan Bravenec
Award of Merit
Scenic Snake in Purgatory Creek
Nicholas Breaux
Spotted Gar in Spring Lake
Nicholas Breaux
I’m All Ears
Marlee Claes
Annissa Clewell
Annissa Clewell
Two bulls fighting
Art Crowe
Hmm, Bee Balm
Robert A. Currie
Award of Merit
Best fisherman on the lake
Mike S. Davis
Award of Excellence
Eared Grebe
Mike S. Davis
Wood Duck Mom with Ducklings
Mike S. Davis
V for Vermillion
Mark Deschner
An Egret with Regret
Mark Deschner
Clay DeStefano
Stag horn fern
Clay DeStefano
Angry Sunset
David Devore
Sunrise Over Mills Pond
David Devore
Matt Erpenbeck
Memory Chairs
Matt Erpenbeck
Queen and her lady-in-waiting
Bill Galloway
The Way In
Mark Goeman
Best Natural Waterscape
Ankle Deep
Mark Goeman
South Trail
Mark Goeman
Power Station
Mark Goeman
Best Youth
NPSOT Best Youth
The Milky Way
Lucy Gonzalez
Sir Slimy
Lucy Gonzalez
Lily Tranquility
Lucy Gonzalez
Spiral Zinnia
Lucy Gonzalez
Morning Swim
Susan Hanson
Best in Show
Westcave Grotto in the Fall
Tom L. Hausler
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Tom L. Hausler
Westcave Trail in the Fall
Tom L. Hausler
Award of Merit
Female Cardinal
Alice F. Le Duc
Clematis crispa
Alice F. Le Duc
NPSOT Best Adult
Field of Bluebonnets
Alice F. Le Duc
Come in the Waters Fine
Alice F. Le Duc
Scott Mitchell
here now bee
Scott Mitchell
Fall Elm and Spanish Moss
Jerry Sargent
Lightning from the Devil’s Backbone
Jerry Sargent
Award of Excellence
The Catch (with Texas Spiny Lizard)
Carol Serur
SMGA Award
Banded Pennant Dragonfly
Winifred Flato Simon
After the Storm
Winifred Flato Simon
Western Spotted Orbweaver
Winifred Flato Simon
Short-horned Grasshopper
Winifred Flato Simon
Homestead Blooms
Michael Penn Smith
American Goldfinch
Darlene Varga
Award of Merit
American Rubyspot
Darlene Varga
Chipping Sparrow
Darlene Varga
Eastern Ringtail
Darlene Varga
Gray Hairstreak
Darlene Varga
Award of Excellence
Green Anole
Darlene Varga
Orange Sulphur
Darlene Varga
Darlene Varga
Janet Wallace
Nutty squirrel
Janet Wallace
Gulf Fritillary on Cowpen Daisy
Mike Zarella
Award of Excellence
Play with a Purpose
Mike Zarella